
Create SD Card for Android Emulator

Creating SD Card for Android Emulator

By default SD card is not available in Android Emulator, so you have to create it. 

Here is the procedure how you can create a SD card for the Android emulator :

First from the Command Prompt you have to navigate to the android installation directory and go to the
tools folder, from there execute the following command :-

mksdcard 128M mysdCard

"mysdCard" is the name of the SD Card.

With this a SD Card image file of 128 MB memory is created in the tools folder with the specified name(mysdCard).This image needs to be added to the Android Emulator.

This image file is added to the Emulator using Android Virtual Device(AVD) Manager. Open the AVD Manager, click on Edit. Then choose file option in SD Card and browse the location of the SD Card image located in the tools folder and select that SD Card image file. 

Thats it... the SD Card is created!!!